Our busy Infant department, encompassing Year R, 1 and Year 2 classes, buzzes with purposeful activity throughout the school week.
Pupils are taught by a class teacher with support from a teaching assistant, with specialist teaching for some subjects. Lessons take place through a combination of whole class learning and small group work, ensuring that all pupils are appropriately challenged and supported to achieve their very best. We focus on the varying needs of individual children.
From Year R, Pupils are taught by specialist teachers for some subjects including Physical Education, French and Music.
Our joint philosophy is to secure the necessary skills for every child to become a confident, eager and independent learner, and prepare them for life in our Junior School. We aim to support the children in their transitions between year groups, ensuring that by the time they leave the Infant School they feel part of a thriving school community in which their individuality is cherished.
The full National Curriculum is taught, with great emphasis on pupils developing their basic skills in English and Maths. These subjects are taught on a daily basis and generally occur as morning lessons.
Some subjects are taught as discrete lessons and others within a specific topic or theme for the term. This topic approach ensures that pupils are able to make links between subject areas and can develop knowledge, skills and understanding within interesting and purposeful contexts. Science is taught as a weekly lesson from Year 1, with pupils embarking on exciting investigative activities.
We believe that young children learn best when they are motivated through playful learning experiences. Through our Forest School, EYFS pupils are given opportunities to direct their own learning in exciting outdoor environments.
Our busy year encompasses such highlights as numerous school trips, visitors into school, Christmas plays and End of Term Services, the Easter Bonnet parade and Sports Day.
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