Education Development Trust is a not-for-profit organisation whose mission is transforming lives by improving education around the world. We work with and on behalf of governments to support their education improvement agendas, and with donor agencies to deliver improved outcomes for children in many contexts around the world.
We commission in-depth international research and carry out consultancy work internationally too. Whether we are designing and delivering a visionary national reform programme, or carrying out insightful research into what makes an inspirational teacher, we genuinely understand ‘what works’ in education. Our employees are united in their commitment to giving children and young people the best possible start in life through an excellent education.
For almost 20 years of our 50-year history, we have owned and operated schools in the UK and South Africa, providing the support and challenge needed to ensure these schools offer a world-class education. We are very proud of the achievements of our schools and delighted they are part of our Education Development Trust international family.
We are at the forefront of driving radical change in maths teaching and learning in England, having been selected by the UK’s Department for Education to introduce and embed a brand-new post-16 mathematics qualification; in Brunei, we have ensured that their vision for a bilingual education system becomes a reality; in Kenya, we are helping to ensure thousands of marginalised girls across the country receive the education they deserve as part of the UK-funded Girls’ Education Challenge.
You may also like to know that we are a world authority on school inspection and evaluation and our extensive inspections work means we have an unparalleled insight into governments’ school improvement agendas: we know what regulators want to see from their schools. We set up Dubai’s very first inspections framework with the Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA). We inspect government and private schools on behalf of the Abu Dhabi Educational Council (ADEC). We have developed our own respected accreditation and improvement framework: the International Schools Quality Mark.
St. Andrew's is one of Education Development Trust’s family of preparatory schools; run and managed by the Principal and her team. Behind them, the team draws on a range of expert resources from Education Development Trust (headquartered in Reading) including our education research, our consultants, and our support services including HR, Safeguarding, IT, Property Services, Legal and Finance.
Education Development Trust is a UK-registered charity and is governed by a Board of Trustees who direct the organisation's work. The trustees oversee the leadership team led by Chief Executive Dan Sandhu who, in turn, manage Education Development Trust staff across the globe. Day to day oversight of our independent schools is delegated to the Head of our Independent Schools’ Group who provides support for the Principal and her team. The board of trustees carries full financial and legal responsibility for Education Development Trust and its independent schools. Reports on the performance of St. Andrew's School are presented to the Board of Trustees at each of their meetings and also to the three sub-committees of the Board covering Education Impact, Audit and Finance and Safeguarding.
Our trustees bring a wide range of expertise and experience to the organisation and ensure that everything that Education Development Trust does is in line with its objectives.
The Chair of the Board of Trustees is Ilse Howling and all correspondence should be sent to her at the following address: Education Development Trust, Highbridge House, 16-18 Duke Street, Reading. RG1 4RU.
If you want to know more about Education Development Trust, please visit
Tel: 0118 902 1000
Address: Highbridge House, 16-18 Duke Street, Reading, Berkshire, RG1 4RU
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