Registering Your Child for a place at St. Andrew's is quick and simple.
1) Come and see us - we welcome visitors for show rounds every day of term. Alternatively, come and visit us on one of our Open Mornings. Call our Admissions Team on 01634 843 479 to arrange a tour
2) Request a prospectus - complete our short online form to request a digital copy of our information pack
3) Register your child - submit a registration form along with the £90 (non-refundable) Registration Fee. Once registered, should an immediate place not be available, your child will be placed on our waiting list. If a place is available, we will arrange the next steps with you directly.
Your child is eligible to join St. Andrew’s Pre-School from the academic year they turn three. The Pre-School is divided into two age groups, ‘Nursery’ for two and three-year-olds and ‘Pre-Reception’ for three and four-year-olds.
If you are interested in applying for Nursery or Pre-Reception, please call 01634 843 393
The vast majority of our Pre-School children transfer into Reception. All of the children who attend our Pre-School have priority for a place in our Reception.
Our Reception admissions process for non-Pre-School children, who are on our waiting list, begins each January.
Occasionally places become available in other year groups. Registered Applicants will be asked to spend a day with the class they may be going into, to give them the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the School and their future peers. Their conduct and behaviour will also be evaluated for class suitability purposes.
So we can assess your child's level of attainment, all children applying for the Infant School will sit a short assessment on reading, writing and number skills while children applying for the Junior School will sit a short assessment in Maths, English and Verbal Reasoning
An offer of a place is made if there is a place available and the School feels that your child would be able to flourish with the challenges of the curriculum.
If a place is offered for the Main School, an Acceptance Form will be sent to parents, which should be returned within seven days, along with an Acceptance Deposit.
Please note: We operate waiting lists for year groups that are currently full. In a situation where the school has a place for only one child in a family, any other children in that family that are registered will be prioritised to the top of the waiting list for their required year group.
Useful Downloads:
Yes, we are an independent school and charge termly fees. Our current fees can be found on our website.
Yes, we are a very popular school and experience high demand for places. We operate a waiting list for all year groups from Nursery to Year 6.
No, we are a day school and do not offer a boarding provision.
We pride ourselves on our competitive pricing structure when compared to other Independent Schools and as such do not offer discounts on fees. However, siblings will always be granted preference of entry when joining either our Pre-School or Main School.
No school can support the needs of every child presented to it but St. Andrew’s welcomes children with SEND whose needs we feel, with full knowledge of those needs, and by making what we consider to be reasonable adjustments, we can meet. Parents must be open and frank in enabling us to have the fullest picture of their child’s needs before admission, and share all relevant professional reports.