At St. Andrew’s we are proud of our School Parliament as it represents the views and opinions of the most important people in the School, our children.
Our School Parliament is a well-established and highly valued part of the School and facilitates conversation between staff and pupils. It gives pupils an opportunity to put forward their own ideas and to see the value of their input, as well as providing an understanding of democratic processes.
One key role of the School Parliament is to help organise fundraising events within the School, including non-uniform days and cake sales.
Our School Parliament, which is composed of representatives (MPs) from all classes, meets regularly to discuss different aspects of school life. It is run by Year 6 pupils who take on the roles of Chair Person, Vice Chair Person, Secretary and Vice Secretary, under the guidance of Mrs Burrows.
Pupils have a genuine desire to make a difference and over the years the School Parliament has implemented some innovative changes: wet play resources were selected by pupils and new items have featured on the lunch menus.
Our School Parliament represents the views of all children and helps the Principal and Education Development Trust improve our school. Discussing issues and giving their ideas and opinions on decisions we take as a school gives our most important stakeholders a powerful voice in how their school is managed.
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